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Debenham High School

Debenham High School

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Physical Education

Exam Board: Edexcel

Course:  GCSE Physical Education 1PEO

Members of Department:

Mr. N. Mitchell, Head of PE
Mr. K. Cook
Ms. V Sandall
Mrs. S. Phaup 



Through PE lessons and extracurricular opportunities, we aim to develop students’ confidence and competence to take part in a range of physical activities that are a central part of their lives both in and out of school. 

The curriculum aims to give students a sense of enjoyment, engagement and excellence.  Enjoyment through improving their confidence and exploring how their physical health can help their emotional and mental wellbeing; engagement in that students experience new activities that enrich their lives; excellence in giving the students the skills to improve and be the best they can be, allowing pathways into completion and participation in sporting events.


We offer an extensive curriculum, which tries to offer all pupils the opportunity to experience a range of activities.

At KS3, pupils in Year 7 have three 1 hour lessons, Year 8 & 9 have two 1 hour lessons.  In KS4, non GCSE pupils in Years 10 and 11 have two hours.  Pupils can also opt to study GCSE PE at KS4.  A wide range of extra curricular clubs and fixtures are offered throughout the year.


programme of study

Each subject programme of study will:

  • Provide a clear and coherent learning journey
  • Foster subject-based understanding of new knowledge, concepts and methods
  • Ensure students acquire knowledge and give opportunities for recall and application of this knowledge so that fluency is developed
  • Require students to think and reason for themselves
  • Explanations and resources enable students to engage with and master learning
  • Learning should develop a depth of understanding that brings richness to the subject but also a breadth of understanding that enriches wider life and learning
  • Develop a readiness for the next stage: be this the next lesson, the next unit of work, the next year or key stage; it prepares students for both academic, A Level, and future degree study, or vocational learning
  • Contain appropriate, regular and robust assessment methods for measuring student progress and to allow intervention where progress is not as expected.

In order to see an overview of the sequence and progression of learning please see their Programme of Study:

PDF icon  Physical Education Programme of Study



At KS3, students experience a range of activities which develop their knowledge and understanding in team and individual areas. Units are studied for between 6-8 weeks, allowing for assessment to take place at the end of the programme of study. Team games include Football, Rugby, Netball, Hockey and Handball. Individual areas such as Short Tennis, Athletics, Orienteering and Badminton are also covered.

All students in Year 8 and 9 study a Sports leaders unit, which prepares pupils for leadership opportunities, and the option of studying for the level 2 award at KS4.


The GCSE physical education course will appeal to you if you:

  • Have a keen interest in sport band recreation and always look forward to your lessons!
  • Take part in sport/recreation outside of the classroom.
  • Want to know more about the benefits of sport and exercise.
  • Are considering a sports related career or an A level/higher education course. 

What will I learn?

  • Develop your knowledge of practical skills.
  • Find ways to improve your own performances in a variety of roles.
  • Appreciate the benefits of promoting ‘sport for all’.

How will I be assessed?

  • Four units to be studied
  • Component 1 – Theory: Fitness and body systems (ORANGE BOOK)
  • Component 2 – Theory: Health and Performance (BLUE BOOK)
  • Component 3 – Practical Performance
  • Component 4 – Personal Exercise Programme





When assessed

C1: Fitness and body systems



Applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training, use of data.

May 2021

C2: Health and performance



Health, fitness and well-being, sport psychology, socio-cultural influences, use of data.

May 2021

C3: Practical performance



Performance in three physical activities: One team, one individual, one free choice.

March-May 2021

C4: Personal exercise programme (PEP)



Designing and performing an exercise session for 6 weeks.

Monitoring and evaluating the performance.

Draft completed June 2020

Performed in Sept 2020

Completed November 2020


JSLA (Junior Sports Leaders Award) – Level 2

This award will help pupils to develop many different Leadership skills.  These include being able to organise others and to communicate with groups and individuals in a sports setting.  Local Primary Schools are used for pupils to gain experience in leading and organising sporting activities.  A log book will be given to each pupil participating for them to record their experiences in.


Health Warning!

These courses are not all about practical work.  The theory content for these courses is challenging and will be the same workload as any other GCSE/BTEC subject.  You will be expected to attend at least ONE extra-curricular club a week.