Year 9 Options
24th January 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please find attached a copy of the Key Stage 4 Options Booklet which has been given to all Year 9 students this week. This contains information on all of the options to help students to make their choices for their programmes of study starting next year. Students have also received information on the options process in their assemblies and, under the guidance of their Form Tutors, have been taking some time to think about their possible choices in their PSHE lessons.
We will be holding an information evening in school for parents, carers and students on Wednesday 14th February at 6.30pm. You will have the opportunity to talk to Heads of Department about the different subjects on offer and there will be a short presentation in the school hall on the options process.
Before making their decisions, students will also be offered an options counselling session from Mr Trevorrow or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. These will start in February and will run until mid-March so there is plenty of time for students to consider their choices. We encourage students to think very carefully about their choices and take their time to consider what subjects would be best for them before making their final decisions.
The deadline for students to submit their choices is Monday 18th March. Choices should be made via MS Form by clicking this link. There is no need to submit choices now - options are not allocated on a first come first served basis. The link to the form will be emailed to you again in mid-March so that students can make their choices after having their options counselling session, attended Options Evening, and had time to read and discuss the information in the Options Booklet with you at home.
I look forward to seeing you at Options Evening and answering any questions you may have although, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions in the meantime.
With kind regards
Cheryl Schmidt
Assistant Headteacher
This is a copy of this year's booklet for your information -
Year 9 Options Evening Presentation