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Examination Board: AQA
Course: GCSE Mathematics course, syllabus 8300
Course: GCSE Mathematics course, syllabus 8300 All pupils will follow a linear Maths course. The mathematical skills are developed across all five years in school, whilst the GCSE content is covered specifically for January of Year 9.
Members of Department:
Miss L Hagley, Head of Mathematics
Mr K Tapscott, Second in Mathematics
Mrs K Eyley-Scott
Mrs J Freeman
Mr C Hadwen
Miss H Haward
At Debenham High School we believe that it is our duty to inspire young people to see the true beauty of maths in the wider world by bringing maths alive, and make it interesting and easy.
Throughout KS3 and KS4 we aim to demonstrate the awe and wonder of mathematics to students. Mathematics is a universal language that we can use to explain the world and the mathematical patterns that occur. There is a sense of wonder in the exactness of mathematics as well as a sense of personal achievement in solving problems. Therefore within Mathematics lessons at Debenham High School students develop deep thinking skills and are encouraged to question the way which the world works.
Each subject programme of study will:
- Provide a clear and coherent learning journey
- Foster subject-based understanding of new knowledge, concepts and methods
- Ensure students acquire knowledge and give opportunities for recall and application of this knowledge so that fluency is developed
- Require students to think and reason for themselves
- Explanations and resources enable students to engage with and master learning
- Learning should develop a depth of understanding that brings richness to the subject but also a breadth of understanding that enriches wider life and learning
- Develop a readiness for the next stage: be this the next lesson, the next unit of work, the next year or key stage; it prepares students for both academic, A Level, and future degree study, or vocational learning
- Contain appropriate, regular and robust assessment methods for measuring student progress and to allow intervention where progress is not as expected.
In order to see an overview of the sequence and progression of learning please see their Programme of Study:
Year 7 Scheme of Work - Autumn, Spring, Summer
Year 8 Scheme of Work - Autumn, Spring, Summer
Year 9 Scheme of Work - Autumn, Spring, Summer
Year 10 Foundation Scheme of Work - Autumn, Spring, Summer
Higher Scheme of Work - Autumn, Spring, Summer
Year 11 Foundation Scheme of Work - Autumn, Spring, Summer
Higher Scheme of Work - Autumn, Summer
Year 7 have four 50 minute lessons per week.
Year 8 have five 50 minute lessons per week.
Year 9 have four 50 minute lessons per week.
Years 7, 8 and 9 follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work. All classes, regardless of ability, follow the same scheme with the teacher adapting the content, resources and time needed on each step as appropriate.
Year 10 have four 50 minute lessons per week.
Year 11 have five 50 minute lessons per week.
At KS4, students study the following AQA GCSE specification. This qualifications builds on the knowledge and skills developed in KS3.
GCSE Mathematics has a Foundation tier (grades 1 – 5) and a Higher tier (grades 4 – 9). Currently sets 1, 2 and 3 study for the Higher tier whilst sets 4, 5 and 6 study for the Foundation tier. However final decision on tiers of entry are not made until Year 11.
The examination consists of 3 papers, all 90 minutes each; there are two calculator and one non-calculator papers.
The subject content of this specification matches that set out in the Department for Education’s Mathematics GCSE subject content and assessment objectives document.