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Uniform Regulations
The website to order school uniform is:
It contains all the information (including sizing) that you need to order uniform.
If you would like to purchase secondhand uniform, please click here to contact the relevant member of staff.
Uniform Expectations
September 2023
All uniform is available from Price and Buckland and exactly meets the requirements of the school uniform. In an effort to acknowledge the cost of the uniform some items of the uniform are generic but must meet the requirements in our uniform expectations.
All students –
School Branded Items of Uniform
- White revere blouse or collared white shirt/blouse which must be worn with a House tie.
- Any generic shirt/blouse should conform to the Price and Buckland specification. The top button of the shirt must be done up.
- Blouse/shirt should not be tight fitting, and should be long enough to remain tucked into waistband.
- School logoed jumper
- A House tie, available as a traditional or clip on tie.
- Plain logoed black school specific skirt which sits at or just above the knee. No other skirt is permitted.
- Or full length plain black tailored trousers, that are indistinguishable from the Price and Buckland website. Trousers worn that do not conform to this specification will not be permitted.
- Or tailored shorts, no other shorts are permitted.
- Black blazer with the school logo (optional).
Generic Items
- Plain black belt (optional), plastic or leather with no studs or decoration
- Plain black, grey or white socks or black/natural tights must be worn
- Black smart flat shoes (not boots). No brand names or logos should be visible.
- Discreet make-up only in upper school. False eyelashes or eyelash extensions are not permitted. No nail varnish, acrylic, gel or false nails should be worn by any students.
- Plain white T-shirts may be worn under the school shirt during the winter months, but should not be visible at the neckline or cuffs. Undergarments should not be visible.
- Hairstyles should not be exaggerated or attract undue attention and colours should be natural. No haircuts below grade 2.
- Jewellery: Students are permitted to wear a single stud per ear in lower lobe. Other visible piercings, necklaces, chokers, bracelets and rings are not permitted. Excess jewellery will be confiscated including piercings – it is not acceptable to cover this with a plaster or use a retainer. On the first occasion this will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. After three confiscations the items will only be returned to a parent or carer. Parents are asked to notify the child’s head of year regarding jewellery which is worn for religious, cultural or medical reasons.
- Outdoor clothing (coats/jackets, scarves, hats and gloves) should be removed as students enter their classroom.
PE kit
All PE kit worn (other than shoes) must be school specific items. Compulsory items of PE uniform are:
- polo shirt and/or reversible long sleeved sports shirt
- shorts or skort
- DHS socks (students may wear plain white socks in Year 10&11)
- training shoes
Optional items of PE uniform are:
- school supplied & logoed –
- o tracksuit top and bottoms
- o Sports leggings (can be bought from other suppliers but must be of good quality and plain black with no logos)
- o school logoed fleece
- Base Layers
- Football boots are strongly recommended for use in wet and muddy weather
- For all rugby and hockey lessons, the wearing of a mouth guard is strongly recommended.
We strongly recommend, where there is an option, that all PE kit is named. Named items of uniform must be surname only, no abbreviations or nicknames.
Please note that NO jewellery may be worn during PE lessons for health and safety reasons.
ALL items of clothing and belongings MUST be clearly labelled with the pupil's name. Any unidentified clothing found in the school will be returned to lost property and held for a term. Parents who have difficulty financing school uniform are invited to contact the Head of Year, in confidence, for assistance. The Friends of Debenham High School offer a pre-loved uniform shop. Details of this can be found on the school website.
Mobile phone and smart devices
Students are discouraged from bringing any mobile phones or other electrical equipment including smart watches to school. Smart watches must not be worn. The school recognises that some parents/carers, for reasons of safety, may wish their daughter or son to bring a mobile phone to school. Any device remains the responsibility of the student and the school cannot be held liable for any loss, breakage or theft.
If students and parents/carers chose to bring any such device to school the following expectations will be enforced. All mobile phones, smart watches or other electrical equipment must be kept switched off and out of sight at all times on the school premises. Any use of phones or other devices for communication are prohibited – this includes making or receiving calls/ text messages / photographs / videos; listening to music; using as a calculator / conversion software; and checking the time.
In case of emergency, or where there is a particular need, students should ask at the front office to use a phone.
If a student is seen with a device at school it will be confiscated and a school detention will be issued. Multiple offences will result in parents being asked to come to school to collect the device.