Telephone 01728 860213
Postcode IP14 6BL

Debenham High School

Debenham High School

Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School



There are two types of admission into Debenham High School:

  • normal Year 7 entry, which is when your child leaves Primary School.

  • in-year entry, for when your child moves during the school academic year.

If you wish to apply for a place in the normal Year 7 entry in September, you should click here to find out more information and apply for a place at Debenham High School.  This process is administered by Suffolk County Council. Closing dates for applications each year is 31 October.

For an in-year application, please continue to read below.


1.  If you haven't decided on Debenham High School and are looking at which schools to apply for:

Find out about schools in your area:

Think about how your child will get to school:

  • You will normally be responsible for taking your child to and from school.
  • Free home to school transport is provided when relevant distance criteria are met. More information is available at

2.  Making an in-year application for a school place here at Debenham High School:

If you live in Suffolk or in another authority and wish to make an in-year application to Debenham High School, you can apply for a place by completing our on line application form ADM1.  Alternatively, you can download a paper version by clicking on an option below:

     Word icon   ADM1 in Word Format

     PDF icon   ADM1 in PDF Format

     PDF icon   Guidance Notes

Completed paper forms should be sent to us for the attention of the Admissions Officer, here at Debenham High School, please ensure you get a proof of posting and delivery.

We will not normally consider your application more than one term ahead of the date you want your child to start at the school. .

If you are planning to move house:

  • Please attach details of your future address and moving date, if known. If you want your future address to be the one considered as part of your application, you must attach written evidence that you are legally committed to this move. This could be:
  • proof of exchange of contracts
  • a signed letting/tenancy agreement confirming your new address,
  • an assignment order that declares a relocation date and a unit postal address or quartering area address for a service child
  • proof of the posting for returning UK service/crown servant families.

More information, including how to apply from outside the UK, is available in Section 3 in Admissions to Schools in Suffolk 2022/2023 or from the Admissions Team, 0345 600 0981.


What happens next?

When will I hear the outcome of my in-year application?

Debenham High School will aim to process your application within 10 school days of receiving it. It may take slightly longer to process the application at busy times.

If your child does not have a local school place and you make an application just before or during a school holiday it cannot guarantee that your child will be able to start with us mmediately after the holiday.

If your child already has a place in a local mainstream school, we will normally offer a place from the beginning of the next half term. The school may admit your child before this date. If an application is made during a school holiday we will offer a school place to begin after the following half term, unless exceptional circumstances apply. This is to make sure schools have time to plan a smooth transition for your child. Your child will need to attend their current school until they take up the place at the school which has been offered.


What if I don't get any of my preferences?

  • If your child does not get a place here at Debenham High School, the Admissions Team will offer a place at an alternative school. You will be given the right to appeal against the decision to refuse a place at your preferred schools. 
  • How to appeal