Telephone 01728 860213
Postcode IP14 6BL

Debenham High School

Debenham High School

Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School

Absence from School


To report a pupil absence, please email 

or call 01728 860213 Option 1

The school operates a first-day absence check.  This means that if your child is absent at morning registration without the school's prior knowledge, we will telephone you to check the reason for non-attendance.  Similarly, we will telephone you if your child signs out at the office at lunchtime but doesn't return after lunch as expected.  If we cannot contact you by telephone we will send you a letter.  The system is designed to ensure that all pupils who have left home arrive safely in school. 

Please telephone the school each morning on the days that your child is absent.  Messages should be left on the school answering system which is available 24 hours a day or you may speak to a member of the office staff after 8.30am.  Please give the name and form of pupil, details of reason for absence and expected date of return to school.

It is vital that you confirm your child's absence by writing in their Log Book or by separate letter on the first day he or she returns to school, otherwise the child's absence will remain unauthorised.

I am sure you will appreciate the value of the system, but for it to work effectively we must have up-to-date contact addresses and numbers.