Telephone 01728 860213
Postcode IP14 6BL

Debenham High School

Debenham High School

Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School

Free School Meals

I would like to draw your attention to the Free School Meals availability that the Local Authority provides for pupils at school.  We are aware that financial circumstances can change and that even if you have not claimed this entitlement in the past, you may now be able to do so. It is our hope that every child receives their full entitlement.

Your child will be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
    • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
        • Guarantee element of Pension Credit
            • Child Tax Credit as long as you do not get a Working Tax Credit and your taxable income is less than £16,190
                • If you are supported under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 
                • Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start to work less hours per week.

As you are aware, at Debenham we operate a cashless catering system, meaning that pupils who receive free school meals purchase their food in the same way as every other pupil in the school. There is definitely no stigma attached to how they get their meals. A healthy, balanced diet is something that we consider of great importance and through our excellent catering team we know that students have access to a well-balanced, freshly prepared meal.

To apply for free school meals, please visit -