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Debenham High School

Debenham High School

Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School

Careers at Debenham High School


Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an essential part of the support we offer to students at Debenham High School and is reviewed every year in November. Effective careers support can help to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life; it can help them to make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers. As options for young people become more varied and complex, it is vital that we support them to develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices for their future.

For further information, please contact:
Cheryl Schmidt, Assistant Headteacher ( or
Kevin Voller, Careers Leader (

 Aims and objectives

The careers programme at Debenham High School aims to:

  • encourage students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their life at school.
  • ensure students’ readiness to take their next step in their learning or career.   

Debenham High School follows the principles of the Gatsby Benchmarks (Appendix 1)

The objectives for the careers programme are as follows:

  • helping students to understand the changing world of work
  • facilitating meaningful encounters with employers for all students
  • supporting positive transitions to post-16 providers
  • enabling students to develop the research skills to find out about opportunities
  • helping students to develop the skills, attitudes and qualities to make a successful transition into the world of work
  • encouraging participation in continued learning, including higher education and apprenticeships
  • supporting inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity
  • contributing to strategies for raising achievement, through developing and encouraging aspiration which is appropriate for all students.

 Parental involvement

Young people do not make career decisions in isolation and parents/carers can have a substantial impact, as well as a clear interest in the right outcomes for their young person. The school is keen to foster parental involvement in the careers programme, wherever possible.

Events for parents and carers

Parents/carers are invited into school once a year to discuss their son/daughter’s progress, on Parents Evening.

Parents are also invited to the school’s Pathways Evening where local providers are invited to attend as well as those to discuss apprenticeships and vocational courses. In addition, specialist events for parents include Year 9 Options Evening.

Delivery of the Careers Programme

Careers education

The content of the taught careers education programme is based around the need for students to develop a broad and varied knowledge of possible education routes as well as possible careers.

Year 7, 8 & 9

Key activities: Year 9 options choices

Lessons might include what work is, how salaries relate to different jobs, stereotyping around jobs, how to find out about jobs, the skills needed for work, jobs of the future. Activities will support the options process which takes place in Year 9.

 By the end of Year 9, all students will have had the opportunity to:

  •  Be introduced to career resources to help them understand their preferences and the options open to them
  • Develop their self-awareness
  • Hear from or talk to representatives from the world of work
  • Receive support to make the right choices for KS4, including assemblies, parents’ events, meeting with senior staff at school to discuss Option choices and the option of a careers meeting

Year 10

Key activities: Work experience

Lessons include preparing to find and carry out work experience placements; CVs, applications and interview technique in preparation for mock business interviews; understanding post-16 options.

By the end of Year 10, all students will have had the opportunity to:

  • Develop their self-awareness and skills, including writing a CV
  • Experience at least one week in the workplace
  • Learn about the different Post-16 pathways

Year 11  

Key activities: Post-16 applications

Students are supported in applications to the next stage of their education. All students will have a meeting with the school’s Career Practitioner in the autumn term of Year 11. In some cases students will have further meetings or support in applying for college, sixth forms and apprenticeships.

By the end of Year 11, all students will have had the opportunity to: 

  • Use a range of sources of information (with support, as required) to explore Post-16 options
  • Attend events in school and out of school where they can speak to employers, colleges, training providers and universities
  • Apply for Post-16 options and back-up plans, as necessary
  • Continue to develop the skills needed for a successful transition
  • Have at least one meeting (small group or one-to-one) with a careers adviser

See the following links for relevant advice:

Provider Access Policy - can also be found in the Careers Policy

Careers Activities

Further and Higher Education

Year 9 Choices

Year 11 Choices

Careers Information Websites

Careers Information by Sector

CVs and Interviews


Post 16 Transport

For Employers

Destination Data 2020 - Latest Published Results 2020 Government Figures