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Debenham High School

Debenham High School

Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School Life at Debenham High School


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Welcome to Debenham High SchooL 


Message from the Headteacher

Monday 10th June 2024

As we enter the penultimate week of GCSE’s I must say how proud I am of our students as they have tackled a significant event in their lives with confidence, good nature and maturity. It is never an easy time for students but they have conducted themselves brilliantly in what for some can be an anxious time.

On the last day of the half term we said a temporary farewell to our Year 11 students, in what is now a Debenham tradition we all had lunch together outside before a leavers assembly and then some fun on the field including inflatable activities for the students. It was a fantastic day and it was a real pleasure to spend their last official day in school with them. My thanks to the Year 11 team for all of their efforts as well as the kitchen for managing to feed so many students before lunchtime!

Last weekend saw a group of our students undertake their assessed Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award expedition. I am pleased to say that the students all passed with flying colours and were a real credit to themselves in how they approached and completed this challenging event, particularly with the unseasonably cold weather.

This week sees our Year 9 students undertake their Geography field trip, such an important aspect of their school life as they really develop their understanding of what they have learnt in school in the wider world.

With warmest wishes


Simon Martin


Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

                              Proverbs 16:3




Debenham High School aims to nurture excellence and integrity in all members of our community. 

Debenham High is a place of learning and personal development for all. We aim to develop students to enable them to take their place in society as happy, successful and resilient people who act with integrity, purpose and love. Students develop a curiosity about the world around them and a desire to learn. All students regardless of background and ability will be exposed to the very best so that they are able to understand and aspire to excellence; they should see this excellence both in school and beyond in the academic and cultural world. We hold  that all people are made in the image of God and as such we encourage students to develop a respect for and tolerance of others - regardless of differences of race, disability, sexuality, gender, culture or religion.  

As well as learning about other faiths and world views  our students develop an understanding of the Christian Faith and act in a way which demonstrates the key attributes of love, joy, peace, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self -control. The whole school community is encouraged to live by Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbour and to “Treat others as you wish to be treated”

Students will leave Debenham, with excellent academic qualifications, a love and curiosity for knowledge, resilient and ready to succeed in and contribute to an ever changing world, having developed a moral strength, compassion and understanding of others.

Growing together in Character, Wisdom and Compassion.